Milano Pizza in Greensboro, North Carolina serves up an all-day buffet that includes pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, soup, and salad. Unfortunately, I was not overly impressed with the quality and flavor of their pizza. I’m sure it is tough to keep a buffet stocked with good pizza all day, so it is certainly possible that I just ate at Milano Pizza at a bad time. Still, at this point, I would not really recommend it as a great pizza option, although the other items on their buffet may be better as I did not try them. One nice and unique aspect of Milano Pizza’s buffet is that it includes ice cream for dessert. Also, it is worth noting that you can get the dinner buffet and drink for less than ten dollars, and lunch is even cheaper. Milano Pizza also offers the option to order pizzas, pasta, subs, and burgers individually, and they do deliver.
What I Ate: Various pizzas from the buffet
Rating: 4.0/10.0
Milano Pizza
343 High Way 68 South
Greensboro NC 27409
336 668-7888
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