Pepper’s Pizza is located on Franklin Street at the edge of the University of North Carolina’s campus in Chapel Hill. This area of Franklin Street appears to be home to a fairly popular strip of restaurants and shops. Pepper’s itself has a somewhat narrow storefront, but the inside of it is pretty deep with plenty of seating. For sports fans, I did notice a projector in the middle of the restaurant with a large pull-down screen that I can only assume is used to show UNC games. Moving onto their pizza, I had one slice with BBQ pork to get some local flavor and one with extra cheese and pepperoni to get a good comparison with a standard slice, and I think it is definitely best to try Pepper’s specialty pizzas as opposed to common ones. I was with someone even more adventurous than myself who tried the unique creations pictured below.
The sausage, mushroom, and green olive slice was his own design, but the The Sarah and The Joint slices are Pepper’s Pizza originals. The Sarah starts with a white sauce and is topped with fresh spinach, tomatoes, feta cheese and red onions. I believe this pizza was named after a regular who made it famous. The Joint consists of Carolina BBQ pork, coleslaw, red onion, and tabasco, and it is named after Chapel Hill’s BBQ Joint. I really liked my slice with BBQ pork, and I preferred it over the slice with pepperoni and extra cheese which is what leads me to recommend their specialties over standard toppings (I was just too big of a pansy to try a slice that had tabasco and coleslaw in addition to the BBQ pork). All of their slices have a thin crust that still managed to be fairly soft and doughy on the edges. I couldn’t taste the sauce too much and didn’t notice anything incredibly special about the cheese which further supports my recommendation to try some of their unique toppings. I am glad I ate at Pepper’s Pizza and definitely suggest giving it a try if you find yourself hungry while on the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s campus.
What I Ate: BBQ Pork and Pepperoni with Extra Cheese
Rating: 6.5/10.0
Pepper’s Pizza
127 E Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 967-7766
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