The fact that I visited a Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurant with other grown men should help show that I will leave no stone unturned in my search for the best pizza. While it probably won’t be winning any awards soon, their pizza was pretty decent and was certainly better than I expected. It had a fairly thin crust with good cheese and pepperoni that had some flavor. Plus, they have nice food and token packages, and we were able to take advantage of their #1 Special which included a medium pizza, two drinks, and twenty tokens for $19.99. However, I should warn that the tickets you earn from their games really don’t get you much, and this is coming from a group that set high scores on their pop-a-shot machines (no big deal). All in all, I don’t know how much fun Chuck E. Cheese’s is to most people over the age of twelve, but at least their pizza has no age limits. I actually enjoyed my time at their location on the northeast side of Indianapolis as it was pretty much empty when we were there, thus virtually giving us the place to ourselves. So, I would say that even adults – ones that don’t embarrass easily – can enjoy themselves at Chuck E. Cheese’s, and one shouldn’t be hard to find as they have over 450 locations across 48 states currently (only Vermont and Wyoming don’t have locations – I guess they hate fun there).
What I Ate: Pepperoni
Rating: 5.5/10.0
Chuck E. Cheese’s
5501 E. 82nd St.
Indianapolis, IN, 46250
(317) 849-7324
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