South of Chicago Pizza & Italian beef is rapidly trying to spread their Chicago-style pizza across the Indianapolis area. They first opened in the Fletcher Place neighborhood of Indianapolis about three years ago, then they opened another location in Fishers’ Saxony at the beginning of 2014, and they now have plans to add a third restaurant in Greenwood. The co-owner of South of Chicago grew up in the Windy City, so that helps to validate their Chicago-style pizza. Plus, they do a nice job of understanding that we like all types of pizza in Indiana, so they offer thin crust pizza well. Perhaps just as important to some, they understand that we like craft beer in Indiana and have a decent selection of that as well.
Since Chicago-style pizza takes longer to cook, I would recommend an appetizer while you wait. I had South of Chicago’s garlic bread with cheese and was impressed with both the quantity of the garlic and the cheese. My deep-dish sausage pie was out not too long after I finished enjoying the garlic bread with cheese, and it looked pretty tasty. I actually liked that it was not quite as thick as some Chicago-style pizzas as well as the fact that the crust was fairly thin on the edges so that it did not dominate valuable cheese, topping, and sauce space. It not being too incredibly thick was nice because it allowed them to cook it faster, and it allowed me to eat more slices. The sauce was pretty sweet, but my preference might have been for a slightly higher cheese-to-sauce ratio. If you have similar tastes, then extra cheese could be the way to go. The sausage was pretty good, although it did not have a lot of zest, and, in hindsight, I probably should have tried their Italian beef. The crust was light and did not have much flavor itself, so I was glad that they limited it’s width on the outside. Overall, the South of Chicago Pizza & Italian Beef in Fishers is a neat place, and I would be open to going again. I would like to try their thin crust pizza the next time though, or I would at least make the changes I mentioned to my deep-dish order.
What I Ate: Deep Dish Pizza with Sausage
Rating: 6.5/10
South of Chicago Pizza & Italian Beef
13578 E. 131st Street
Fishers, IN 46037

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